Berries / Rhubarb Prices
Currently we offer the following products.

The best tasting strawberries to pick are those that are completely red and shiny. Often, the small ones have the most concentrated flavor. If they have become soft and very dark, dull red, they are past their prime. Best to keep green cap & small stem attached for best storage.
Mid June – Early July
U-Pick Price per lb:$2.95
Pre-Pick Price per Quart:$7.00

Red Raspberries
They should be somewhat firm, fully colored and come off the stems easily. If they are dull in color, with a soft texture, they are past their prime.
Summer Crop typically early July with Fall crop in early Sept.
U-Pick Price per lb:$7.00
Pre-Pick Price per Pint:$7.50

Black Raspberries
They should be somewhat firm, fully colored and come off the stems easily. If they are dull in color, with a soft texture, they are past their prime.
Early July (very short season)
U-Pick Price per lb:$7.00
Pre-Pick Price per Pint:$7.50

The sweetest berries will be shiny black, plump, and come off the stem with a slight tug. If there is red on them they will be tart.
August – September
U-Pick Price per lb:$7.00
Pre-Pick Price per Pint:$7.50

When fully ripe, they are blue or black all over.
July – August
U-Pick Price per lb:$5.00

Black Currants
When fully ripe, the red varieties will be bright scarlet red and the black varieties will be shiny blue- black. Harvest slightly under ripe for cooking & jelly making as they retain more pectin at that stage.
Early July
U-Pick Price per lb:$6.00
Pre-Pick Price per Pint:$7.50

Red Currants
When fully ripe, the red varieties will be bright scarlet red and the black varieties will be shiny blue- black. Harvest slightly under ripe for cooking & jelly making as they retain more pectin at that stage.
New planting – limited supply
U-Pick Price per lb:$6.00
Pre-Pick Price per Pint:$7.50

Ripe when they are deep purple/black with a plump appearance. Ripe clusters are heavier than unripe ones and tend to hang upside down.
August – September
U-Pick Price per lb:$6.00
Pre-Pick Price per lb:$8.00

Table Grapes
A newly planted grape vine (Vitis vinifera) can take five or six years to produce an adequate grape crop, but those early crops are a fine reward for your efforts. Don't pick them until they're at their peak though. Grapes won't ripen off the vine.

When you're looking at the stalks, the color doesn't indicate readiness, so don't worry if your rhubarb stalks are not completely red. Instead, look at the length. The stalks are ready to harvest when they're between 7 and 15 inches long.
May – September with dramatic mid-summer production declines.
U-Pick Price per lb:$4.00
Pre-Pick Price per lb:$5.00
Due to an exceeding increase in berry basket costs, we will be charging for new containers this season:
- Pint baskets: $0.15 each
- Quart baskets: $0.25 each
- Flat containers: $2.75 each
You may bring your own containers but you must bring them into the Farm Market for weighing, before you begin picking. This is necessary to assure that the weight of the container is not included in the final berry weight.
- Cash (much preferred as it helps to keep costs down)
- Credit/Debit cards with the exception of American Express
- Minimum $10.00 purchase for a Credit/Debit card transaction
Note: We are charged 2 additional fees for each credit/debit card transaction.
NOTE: Please be aware that orders placed are subject to availability.
- Allow at least 24 hours for picking 8 quarts or less
- For orders above 8 quarts, please allow at least 48 hours
- To place an order please call or text your order to: (585) 281-7226
- Be sure to include your Name, Phone Number, Type & Quantity of Berries and desired Pick-Up Date.